*Pre-registration required, pleas email YOUR NAME & WINTER SOLSTICE to ThisIsYogaNJ@gmail.com*
Winter Solstice...For the Northern Hemisphere, the return of more sunlight! For us in the Northern Hemisphere, the December winter solstice (literally meaning "sun standing still") marks the longest night and shortest day of the year. Yay, the return of more sunlight!
The solstice is a time for letting go, releasing old patterns, rekindling hope, seeking new inspiration and beginning a new cycle.
Please join us in celebrating! 12/21 from 6pm to 8pm at This IS Yoga NJ. Cost is $25.
We will set aside time for a relaxing and renewing yoga flow and meditation. We will also create a special winter solstice releasing bundles (wrap fabric bundles containing evergreen boughs, dried sage and lavender and a slip of paper to write a releasing wish or two to place into a fire)! Our evening will close with a cleansing Sound Bath from Vibe Sessions With Kate